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Training & Development 

Training designed to help talent gain skills needed to drive business results, make positive contributions, and thrive as leaders

of participants from 

global companies


rate the program as excellent or very good 


say they are highly or very likely to use the information in their role


Ideal for 

Emerging & Mid-Level leaders 

Female & Diverse

Individual Contributors &
First Time Managers

Three Program Modules
Highly customizable to support organizational goals 

The Confident Leader program focuses on developing skills in three areas critical to success for any individual contributor or people manager - yet are often negatively impacted by lack of training and lack of confidence.

Module 1: Communicating with Confidence 

Written and verbal communication is impacted by confidence. In this module, participants gain communication strategies to use – and avoid – to show up as a highly valuable contributor with direct reports, peers, and senior leaders.

Participants will learn to:

  • Recognize words and phrases that can hurt their credibility and what to say instead 

  • Use the proprietary AFTR Effect© method to effectively contribute in meetings and communicate their value 

  • Advocate for themselves in the workplace 

  • Apply assertive techniques when faced with challenging situations and behavior

Participants will learn to:

  • Identify their leadership traits, strengths, and growth opportunities 

  • Use the proprietary COACH© method to build and engage their team 

  • Create a vision that increases their team's focus and performance

  • Develop methods to address performance challenges

Module 2:
Leading with Confidence 

Confident leaders execute projects successfully and build high performing teams. This module helps participants gain critical skills to set them, their cross-functional team, or direct reports up for success and build a collaborative environment. 

Module 3:
Managing Change with Resilience

Studies show that confidence and performance suffers most in a new role, project, or organizational changes. This module gives participants tools to navigate change and uncertainty with resolve and develop skills to build partnerships that help increase effectiveness. 

Participants will learn to:

  • Recognize their own personal resilience history to build confidence when facing change

  • Apply change management techniques to help move forward with greater clarity

  • Understand shifts they can make to help maintain a positive outlook

  • Use stress management techniques to stay healthy overall 


"I feel like we were being given the Corporate Life 101 handbook none of us knew we needed – the workshops were so helpful."
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